About Me
Jacquie Jhass, MD
About Me
Jacquie Jhass, MD
I have been a family physician in active practice since 2007. I have 2 kids and a husband who I think are pretty great (most of the time!!) . Work-life balance was always important to me. I worked “reasonable” hours, I did enjoyable things outside of work, I thought I’d be fine. Spoiler alert: I wasn’t. I recall preceptors and colleagues voicing that they would never want their children to go into medicine and thinking what a shame to be feeling that way about your career. However, I found myself thinking the same, and worse than that….
I seriously considered leaving medicine. I was burning out. I was depressed. I was looking for other options. I came across physician life coaching and at the time thought it looked interesting, but I felt too stuck where I was to do anything about it. But, as the ol’ algorithms did their thing, I started seeing more coaching posts and videos.
So, I decided to go for it. I found a life coach and… it completely changed my life!!!!
My doctoring, my mom-ing, my wife-ing, my friend-ing, my sister-ing, my eating, my dancing ( well, maybe that’s pushing it) all improved dramatically! I HAD to help my fellow physicians to find their power too. So, off I went (via the land of zoom) to The Life Coach School to certify as a Life Coach.
And here I am now, coaching physicians and ready to coach YOU so YOU can live the life YOU want!
It’s time for YOU to start minding the ME in your MD!
Too many physicians are on the verge of burnout.
We are losing doctors, who think they will only feel better if they leave medicine. But you do not have to leave medicine to feel better. You can find joy, love, passion in your work and home life, without having to change careers. You have the power and you can find it with coaching.
It’s time to show your ME some love!
Is Coaching for you?
- If you feel that heart sinking feeling, that dread when you see your schedule.
- If you second guess yourself and feel like an imposter.
- If you feel buried by more and more being dumped on your plate.
- If you are overwhelmed with charting and paperwork.
- If you worked your ass off to get through training but feel you are trapped , or missing out on the life all that hard work was meant to afford you.
I Can Help!
Is Coaching for you?
- If you worked your ass off to get through medical school, residency, and whatever came after that but feel you are trapped, or missing out on the life it was meant to afford you,
- If you see your last patient, you arrive at your desk, only to face a day’s worth of chart notes, and a task box that has doubled since you checked it this morning,
- If you wonder if you are under-earning, but can’t imagine adding any more work in,
- If you get home exhausted and feel youhave nothing left to give your loved ones,
- If you are with them but your mind is still at work or somewhere else,
- If you find yourself scrolling, watching, eating, drinking what you think you shouldn’t or wish you wouldn’t,
- If you don’t feel refreshed in the morning or you are too tired at the end of the day to exercise,
- If you struggle to meal plan for you or your family because there just isn’t an extra minute in your day,
- If you keep hearing about self care but it is just one more chore on the many things you should be doing,
- If you are managing fine but feel like something is missing,
I Can Help!

I will teach you how to recover from and prevent the burnout,
the overwhelm, the compassion fatigue, the disengagement,
the imposter syndrome, the ick, the four letter word,
or whatever you want to call it.

I will teach you how to find your power, discover
what you want in your life and how to get it.

I will teach you how to face your uncomfortable emotions
so you can handle anything that comes your way.

I will teach you how to take charge of your day
rather than feel trapped or forced to be there.
See how it works with your FREE session !
I know coaching can help you, so let’s start with a free session to get your
On-Time MD patient visit protocol for finishing your visits on time.
Schedule a FREE 30 min consultation today
I wish to acknowledge that I work and reside on traditional Treaty 6 land and the home
of Métis Nation of Alberta Region 4. I acknowledge the many First Nations, Métis,
Inuit, and all First Peoples of Canada who continue to enrich our communities
with their knowledge, history, language and culture. May we commit together
in our communities to show respect and gain understanding of
all peoples who make their home on this land.